Sex Game: The Pearl Necklace

There are several exciting games you can move with a gem necklace. Here I bequeath index three, two for her and one for him Pearl necklaces are not only for decoration, but for sex-games as well Be warned though: any treasure necklace leave do for these games, but nearly every noblewoman cede insist that it is much correct to buy a necklace with legitimate pearls moderately than artificial pearls!

Sex Game: The Pearl Necklace

Sex Game: The Pearl Necklace

Before I recite the games, you should understand that you should never use solitaire necklaces for anal plays. If you like anal plays use Thai beads instead; they are stronger and keep no harsh edges that can injure you.Number One: The Pearl MassageIn this game, she lies on her back, with her legs sprinkle You hang the pearl necklace around your thumb, and cranny your thumb logical below her clit. You can now apportion her clit a treasure press by using your other worker to pull the necklace around your thumb One by one, all the pearls cede canyon by her clit and perceive it with their smooth surfaces You charter it rotate again and again, and adapt the throb to her reaction, until she comes.Number Two: Hiding the NecklaceIn this game, she lies on her back, with her legs diffuse You donate her uttered pleasure, and when she gets really excited, you slowly embed the necklace in her vagina, while holding on to one end You keep licking her until she is at the edge, and then you pull out the necklace, pulling her over the edgeNumber Three: The Pearl Hand JobIn this game, he lies on his back, and she strokes his member until it is hard. She then takes the solitaire necklace, and moisturizes it with squeeze oil or lubricant (if the necklace is quiescent clammy from disabled amount one or two, you do not scarcity lubrication!) She winds the jewel necklace around his member, and then gives him a labourer activity while holding her worker around the pearlsAs you can see, brilliant necklaces are not only for decoration, but for sex-games as well Be warned though: any pearl necklace consign do for this game, but almost every woman will insist that it is much ameliorate to buy a necklace with genuine pearls rather than posed pearls!

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